Franc Moody Share Final Single Ahead of New Album ‘Space Between Us’


Dreamy, enchanting, and filled with soul-warming groove, Franc Moody‘s “Space Between Us,” radiates with positivity. The release marks the first step into a busy 2025 for the duo.

Made up of members Ned Franc and Jon Moody, “Space Between Us,” gives a crisp easy-listening experience, allowing a clever concoction of genres to make its way to the ears. With indie-pop in the topline and disco-blues in the percussion and bass, it’s all then cleanly tied together with a glimmer of oldie/soul-style chord progressions and brass sections.

“We needed to rethink sonically how we wanted to present the project,” shares Jon. “We wanted to take away a little bit of the disco sheen that kind of crept into the sonics and try and have a slightly more raw and guttural approach to the music.”

With releases going back to 2016, Franc Moody had their first breakthrough with “Dopamine,” opening the door to a much wider audience the following year. From there, singles like “In To Deep,” “Pheromones” and “Dance Moves,” gave fans a pallet of hits to latch on to while the duo’s musical identity began to cement. The rest is history.

“Space Between Us” is a teaser to their upcoming March 7th third studio album Chewing The Fat via their brand-new label Night Time Stories. Stream the single below and enjoy!

Franc Moody – Space Between Us

-Written By: Chad Downs