G Jones Unleashes Devastating New ‘Illusory Tracks’ EP

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Some tracks are drafted for one specific reason: to lay waste to an audience on a huge sound system. Few are better at this type of production than rave-leaning bass maestro G Jones. Today he releases an armory of sonic weapons onto the world with the release of his brand new Illusory Tracks EP.

This EP contains tracks that G Jones has been firing off during his recent IllusoryOS tour and beyond. Do not underestimate the power of these tunes. And makes sure you’re listening on a sound system that can handle them. Among three new solo tunes, there are also a couple of collabs with Eprom and ISOxo.

This new body of work from G Jones is his first solo EP since 2019. You can stream Illusory Tracks below. Enjoy!

G Jones – Illusory Tracks EP