Golden Features Serves Up Eclectic New Single “Endit” With Rromarin

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We last heard from Golden Features earlier this year, following the release of his singles Vigil and Touch.” Today, the Australian producer returns with a new track featuring the same vocalist from “Touch,” fellow Australian, Rromarin. Their newest collaboration, “Endit,” arrived yestereday via Foreign Family Collective.

Making ultimate use of Rromarin’s airy vocal, Golden Features crafts tastefully rhythmic vocal chops in the song’s main drop, letting the raw vocal shine in the verses. The producer’s iconically experimental sounds radiate throughout “Endit,” via granular synths and pitch-shifted percussion- true producers’ ear candy.

Golden Features commented on the development of the track, saying:

Endit was developed over a couple of years and has been through four or five distinctly different versions. Similar to ‘Touch’, the final version crystallized when I brought over vocals Rromarin had recorded for another song and instantly knew that was it. Despite almost quitting on it multiple times, it turned out to be one of my favorite songs.

You can stream “Endit” at the link below, out everywhere via Foreign Family Collective. Enjoy!

Golden Features – Endit (feat. Rromarin)