Marc Rebillet is back with another brilliant stream, and this time, he’s arrived with some news.
If you’ve been a closer follower of Marc’s, you know that these streams used to come on a much more regular, weekly basis. For the past year or so, they’ve slowed down to just once every couple of months, if that. After catching a loop-tastic groove for the first 11 minutes of the stream, Marc pauses and greets his viewers. He then gives us an update on why the streams are now so few and far between.
Long story short, Marc hasn’t been feeling as inspired by his current setup as he used to. Considering he’s been rocking out with the same format for the past 2-3 years, he’s looking to upgrade, in a big way. He talks about adding tons of new instruments, more loopers, and more cameras to his performance room.
Oh—and he also announced that he’s finding a unique way to deliver his first-ever album. He was hesitant to give further details, but it sounds like it’s going to be big.
You can check out the full stream below. Marc gives his life updates at the 11:30 mark. Enjoy!