CloZee’s Odyzey Music Shares Third Official Compilation Album ‘Muzique, Vol. 3’

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Odyzey Music embodies a uniquely ethereal sound across all of its releases as a label. Label boss CloZee‘s careful curation of talent has served to introduce fans to new artists who embody the sound of the imprint, but also stand on their own. The time has come to find your new favorite artists, in the third edition of Odyzey’s compilation album, Muzique, Vol. 3.

Surreal, hypnotic, introspective… fall into the depths of bass-infused bliss within Muzique, Vol. 3. This year’s compilation features a total of thirteen tracks from nineteen artists, as we see a handful of collaborations make their way into the album this year. Tribal influenced “Summer Of Saigon” from Elephant Heart put us in a dream state, while Lucid Vision & Spirit Motel‘s “Dark Soul” immerses the listener in an emo-bass time-warp. The LP is undeniably Odyzey’s most diverse compilation album thus far.

CloZee commented on the release of her imprint’s third compilation, sharing:

I’m very honored and excited to be able to support these amazing artists, who all made very unique tracks. They showcase perfectly the musical diversity of Odyzey.

You can stream Muzique, Vol. 3 at the link below, out everywhere via Odyzey Music. Enjoy!

Various Artists – Muzique, Vol. 3

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