PREMIERE | Bonobo Shares Dreamy New Song “Famonicon” Using Moog Sound Studio

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Today we’re thrilled to share with you Bonobo‘s first release of 2021. The new track is called “Famonicon,” and it comes in collaboration with one of the most respected synthesizer companies in the biz, Moog. Moog has arranged a compilation titled Explorations In Analog Synthesis, which aims to demonstrate the powerful analog sound and infinite sonic possibilities of their instruments.

The sounds on this track just sound so full and powerful. Not only does Bonobo utilize these synths to create some lovely melodies, but he brings it all together with a pounding kick drum rhythm that wouldn’t be out of place in a dark, strobey, warehouse.

The full seven-track EP is out now on SoundCloud. You can stream “Famonicon,” which we’re honored to premiere, below. Enjoy!

Bonobo – Famonicon

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