When was the last time you heard a song that locked you in a single moment and whisked you away to place far from here? Well you might experience that very feeling when I pushed play on this next track, “One Look,” by Mickael Karkousse.
It’s almost impossible to not space out while listening to this tune, and I absolutely love that. A series of rhythmic loops and kicks partner in hypnotic synchronization, while mysterious drones set a somber scene for Karkousse’s raw vocal. Like an Oscar worthy movie, this track’s beauty comes from the perplexing feelings it inspires within listeners.
Not much is known about this new artist, and his library is still in its fledgling stages. But if his material continues to inspire new feelings within us, you can bet he’ll have a place on our site. Stream Mickael Karkousse’s new single, “One Look,” below. Enjoy!