PREMIERE | With Løve Makes TSIS Debut On Dreamy Single “Alt+0248” Ft. Annamarie Rosanio

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Today we have the pleasure of introducing a new artist to the site. Formerly known as Evix, Michigan’s Kevin Learst has a new artist project called With Løve, and we’re already loving it. Today With Løve shares his new track “Alt+2048” featuring airy vocals from Annamarie Rosanio and serves as the perfect introduction for those who aren’t familiar yet.

The dreamy production highlights deep basstones, melodic instrumentation and vibrant sound design in the best way. It’s clear that while With Løve is a new artist project, Learst is an experienced producer with an impressive new song to showcase his talents. Enjoy!

With Løve – “Alt+0248” Ft. Annamarie Rosanio