President Obama Signs Anti-Scalping Bill Banning Ticket Bots


Anyone who has ever gone to a concert…you just received a big win. With President Obama's second term coming to an end in approximately one month, he's signed a nationwide ticket bot ban into law.

You can say goodbye to the days of scalpers cheating you out of countless tickets with their bots grabbing hundreds, or even thousands of tickets, within moments of them going on sale. This would frequently lead to the very same tickets going live on sites like StubHub for much higher prices. 

This bill also means the government can legally chime in and file civil lawsuits on behalf of concertgoers who tried grabbing tickets but couldn't because of ticketing bots. It'll be interesting to see how this all pans out and how the process of buying tickets will change. Check out the Consequence Of Sound video below to get a sense of the ticketing business and how scalpers have been overriding the system.