Robotic Pirate Monkey – Sidetracked EP : Sick New 4 Song Dubstep/Jam EP!


Earlier this week we debuted the first single off of Sidetracked 'Sing with Me', which sampled the familiar Aerosmith verse, and you guys loved it. Well now I'm debuting the entire 4 song Sidetracked EP that is a real great mini journey showing some different sides of RPM. It starts off with a more chill track sampling 'Peaches'  that acts a a great opener. Next up it moves into 'Sing With Me' which starts chill, then gets heavier throughout. Then 'Sunshine' which samples Bill Withers and packs some bass getting into the heavier side. Then finishing up is 'Swan Mountain Doobie', which is an amazing track that might be my favorite showing more of the all original produced side of RPM, with some bass and some unique funkiness. It's a great EP that gets me excited for what's to come from the debut all original album due out later this summer.  Turn up the bass. Enjoy!

Download the Entire Sidetracked EP Here

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