Spotify Supports Mental Health Through Mint Playlist Merch Line

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The largest playlist in the world for dance and electronic music is the mint playlist from Spotify and they recently just hit a milestone, breaking 5 million followers. To celebrate such a huge achievement they launched their first ever line of mint branded merchandise.

They put a little more thought into this and actually partnered up with the incredible To Write Loves On Her Arms organization and all proceeds are going to be supporting mental health.

Austin Kramer, Spotify Global Dance & Electronic programmer, is not only the person behind curating the mint playlist, but was the driving force of this initiative. This is what he had to say about it.

“All the proceeds from the merch will go toward TWLOHA,” says Austin Kramer, Spotify’s global head of dance & electronic music. “With so much renewed attention about mental health in the music community, we wanted to collaborate with a non-profit that is dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. They’ve been fighting stigma and bringing resources to creators since 2006.”

You can see the full line and purchase here and I encourage you to support this amazing cause and grab some of this cool looking merch, I grabbed the jacket.