Festival Installation Artist Tigre Bailando Set To Create New Explorable Sculpture Near Denver


Our lovely state of Colorado is about to become more enriched with some spectacular art. Artist Tigre Bailando, who specializes in mesmerizing installations for music festivals, is getting ready to create a special new piece that patrons will actually be allowed to step inside of and explore.

The piece will be called Ursa Major, and it will be permanently placed in Everland, a new art-park which is located just about 40 minutes outside of Denver. Since Bailando’s art often takes form at festivals such as Burning Man, Electric Forest, and Envision Festival (just to name a few), it has to be deconstructed once the events conclude. Everland, however, will be a permanent home for Ursa Major, which will be what Bailando calls a “branch beast.”

One of Tigre Bailando’s “branch beasts” in Ireland

“After creating so many [installations] that are temporary, ephemeral, you want to have an extended relationship in this place that you’re co-creating,” Bailando explained. “The idea of creating something that has longevity I find really inspiring.”

Construction of Ursa Major hasn’t started yet, but funding for the project has already been guaranteed. Work on the project is supposed to begin in September, and expected to last two to three weeks. If all goes according to plan, it won’t be long before we get to see another beautiful “branch beast” from Tigre Bailando, right here in Colorado.

To see more of Bailando’s amazing work, check out his website here.

To donate to the Everland Kickstart fund, click here.

H/T 303 Magazine