TNGHT – Higher Ground (Lets Be Friends UK Re-Amp) : Massive Electro / Dubstep Remix [Free Download]

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Say hello to the know myserious Lets Be Friends UK duo, a group we've  heard a great deal of buzz over the last few months. Lets Be Friends UK consists of two people, and make some bass heavy dance music, and were recently giving the opportunity to officially remix TNGHTs massive trap anthem Higher Ground. A tough task for many, Lets Be Friends UK did this remix justice by amplifying the noise to new volumes. This rendition honestly sounds like TNGHT went all in with Skrillex, Kill The Noise, and Knife Party on one fresh electro-dubstep heater. Grab the free download below via giving the boys a like on Facebook. Enjoy

TNGHT – Higher Ground (Lets Be Friends UK Re-Amp) | Free Download
