Watch GRiZ’s Full Chasing The Golden Hour Bonnaroo Set

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When Rainbow Kitten Surprise sadly announced their abrupt end of their 2023 tour and Bonnaroo performance, it was GRiZ who came to the rescue. Just a few days after the cancellation, GRiZ took to social media to announce he would be filling in with his own Chasing The Golden Hour live set.

Now, as if we weren’t already lucky enough, GRiZ has just uploaded the entire set to YouTube and SoundCloud. GRiZ’s Chasing The Golden Hour sets are quite possibly best suited for a festival than anywhere else. The performance contains all the best vibes as GRiZ and company perform live vocal and horn arrangements to a beautiful audience.

Without a doubt one of the peak moments of the performance is at the 49:37 mark where GRiZ pays homage to Rainbow Kitten Surprise with an unreleased remix of their hit single “It’s Called: Freefall.” Watch the full set below and enjoy!

GRiZ – Chasing The Golden Hour (Full Set) – Live at Bonnaroo 2023

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