Around 4 years ago when was in its early stages, I stumbled across an equally new platform called SoundCloud and fell in love instantly with its simple user interface. The beauty that we found helped us build a visually balanced experience and allowed us to not be forced to embed the bulky YouTube player.
As a site who's sole purpose is to report on music releases from artists across the world, I entrusted this platform as the future of music sharing and started reaching out to artists for permission to host the songs we were featuring on our SoundCloud account.
All while our account grew, we continued to share music and foster a community that loved quality music as much as we did. This community is something that I am personally honored to have been a part of. As of today, that community has reached over 500,000 followers and has become one of the largest accounts active on SoundCloud (By Daily and Overall plays).
We are set to break half of a billion plays within the next two months and see an average of 2 million plays every 24 hours. Those numbers are seriously incomprehensible in my mind and I must say thank you to all who've enjoyed listening to and following the content we have posted over the last 4 and half years.
Now on to the unfortunate news. Recently, SoundCloud representatives reached out to us shedding light on outstanding DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) claims that we have since been attempting to clear up. These claims had accumulated in number over the last few years but; as a result of a fault in their system, had not been communicated to us.
As some of you may know, the SoundCloud platform is changing (for better or for worse we will soon see) and we have been issued an ultimatum: resolve all outstanding takedown orders that had been presented to us or have your account suspended. Thanks in part to some amazing help from friends, artists and labels that we support, we have been incredibly successful in resolving a majority of these takedowns. By providing verification to SoundCloud of our relationships with artists, PR agents, managers, labels and various rights holders, we have done our best to keep a channel you love up and sharing amazing music.
Unfortunately, it has not been enough to overcome the politics at play in our situation.
It is important to note that we have been working with some amazing people at SoundCloud and appreciate the extra help and support they have provided. Sadly, this support and commitment to maintaining SoundCloud's largest music account stops there. Bound to some tricky copyright technicalities – and as a result of increased pressure from legal teams protecting SoundCloud's liability – we have received notification that the account will be temporarily suspended. We will continue to work on this issue in hopes that we can restore our account to what it once was.
So have no fear. Our Soundcloud will be coming back! We are going to make sure its return will be bigger than ever and that is a promise from me to you.
In the mean time; to help out, you could share this post and also Subscribe to our YouTube channel where we will be uploading our upcoming premieres and featured content until our account gets brought back.