Childish Gambino‘s fifth studio album is here. It comes as no surprise to find out that Bando Stone and The New World, an already elaborate, impressive album within itself, is soon to be paired with an accompanying movie (starring Donald Glover), for which it serves as the soundtrack. Oh, and did we mention the world tour to go along with it?
Powerful. Bando Stone and The New World is everything we thought it would be and nothing like we could have imagined all at the same time. Telling the story of mysterious character, Bando Stone, throughout the LP, Glover takes his lyric writing to the next level, painting a picture soon to be realized on movie screens.
Childish Gambino certainly has a way of leaving a lasting impression on his listeners, with this LP serving as a reminder of his musical genius. The album features moments of rap godliness, soulful ballads, and even indie pop bops, like “Real Love.” Childish Gambino’s ability to execute impeccable arrangements in just about any genre he pleases is formidable.
You can stream Bando Stone and The New World at the link below. Enjoy!