Not much is known about the artist that goes by J. Hutton, but his music speaks for itself. He’s just released his second track of 2020 (and his third track ever), “Pink Couch,” and we’re very pleased to give you the first listen of this groovy, sensual new tune.
For the direction of this brilliant number, J. Hutton set to capture the vibe of a specific view he witnessed from his New York City apartment:
During an awe inspiring thunderstorm in central Manhattan, J watched as the torrential rainfall poured over the neon soaked windows of the nearby apartment buildings. The pink reflection illuminated through the living room window turning the couch a pinkish hue. J and Losh began creating a soundscape that could rival the bewildering power of that Manhattan deluge.
We think he absolutely nailed it on this one and we can’t wait to hear what else this enigmatic new artist churns out. He’s on our radar, and he should definitely be on yours. Stay tuned for more from J. Hutton. Check out the stream of “Pink Couch” below and enjoy!