Ja Rule Is Planning A New “Iconic” Music Festival Following Up FYRE Festival

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Ja Rule is a legend. The man just does not give up. After the highly publicized FYRE Festival disaster, you’d think he’d lay low and not try to be involved with another festival. However, it sounds like he’s just getting started.

TMZ caught up with the rapper at LAX, where he revealed he hasn’t seen any of the FYRE documentaries because he “lived it” and went on to explain how it was heartbreaking as he wanted it to be special and amazing. He didn’t stop there though saying “in the midst of chaos there’s opportunity. So I’m working on a lot of new things.” He went on to explain he has “plans to create the iconic music fest, but you didn’t hear it from me.”

Whatever he has up his sleeve we do not want to miss it. In other FYRE news, Seth Rogan and The Lonely Island are making a movie based around  Stay tuned and enjoy!