Watch Lido’s Visually Stunning New ‘I O U 2’ Visual EP

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When Lido’s I O U 2 EP was released last month, there was a lot of hype surrounding the visual EP that was produced along with it. Over the past few weeks the film was shown to specific audiences around the world, but now it has officially been released to the public via Lido’s YouTube channel.

According to Lido, the key word for this film was “reflection,” and the director and producer took that and ran with it. The video shows a man, who seems to be a reflection of Lido himself, going through an intense spiritual journey after deciding to put forth his vulnerabilities into the public (just as Lido is essentially doing with this EP). We follow the main character through beautiful psychedelic landscapes throughout the forests of British Columbia, where the video was shot.

Visually the video is quite stunning, and definitely leaves you with some existential thoughts afterwards. Check out the full, 15-minute, “visual EP” below and enjoy!

Lido – I O U 2 (Visual EP)