Phantogram Shares Genre-Bending Single “Happy Again” Ahead of North American Tour


Did you miss Phantogram? So did we. Extremely energized by their collaboration with Rezz and Subtronics earlier this year, we were hoping the duo would be sharing even more new original music soon – and it’s here! Phantogram is back with their new single, “Happy Again,” which they share ahead of a massive North American tour, in support of none other than Kings of Leon.

The duo’s iconic alternative / rock / electronic fusion is on full display on “Happy Again.” Addictive pop vocals combine with power chords and buzzy synths to create a dynamic genre-bending tune poised for the masses. Phantogram has always been known for their refusal to confine to a so-called “box,” creating whatever music they feel like creating. Regardless of this fact (or maybe even because of it), their fans’ dedication has never wavered, speaking to their true, everlasting talent.

Phantogram commented on the meaning behind, “Happy Again,” sharing:

‘Happy Again’ is a song that captures that optimistic feeling of holding onto hope. It’s about reawakening to a new day and another turn to try again. And so long as we are all alive, there is always an opportunity to be happy again.

You can stream “Happy Again” at the link below, out everywhere via Neon Gold Records. Enjoy!

Phantogram – Happy Again