Phoenix Drop First New Album in 5 Years, ‘Alpha Zulu’


One of our favorite pop-rock bands, Phoenix, have made a triumphant return with their new album, Alpha Zulu. It’s their first studio album in five years, following 2017’s Ti Amo.

Throughout their 22-year history, Phoenix have kept consistent with releasing a full-length body of work approximately every four years. They’ve done so without having any type of serious flop, too—an astonishing achievement in longevity and coherence. They all have a runtime of around 35-40 minutes as well. It’s clear that the group have a working formula, and they stick to it here with Alpha Zulu.

This new album is a perfect case for the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This is a dreamy, synth-soaked upbeat project, elevated by the iconic vocals of Thomas Mars. You can listen to it below. Enjoy!

Phoenix – Alpha Zulu