VIBE – Ready For the World (Music Video) + Carpe Diem : Chill Summer Hip-Hop Video / Album [Free Download] [TSIS PREMIERE]

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VIBE the duo hip-hop act based out of California is back with another fantastic music video to their song "Ready For the World". This is off their recently released Carpe Diem album that they have hit us up to pass out as  free download. Their sound is very genre bending mixing the chill summer sound you can vibe with with some lyrics touching on real topics that are hardly get mentioned in hip-hop and I support it to the fullest. Their sound is very unique and I couldn't be happier to be able to pass out this great album for free. The album is also through iTunes, so if you really dig it please support, these are some great guys! Enjoy!

VIBE – Carpe Diem |Download below | 

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