Alexandra Sholler, better known as Alison Wonderland, first debuted her entrancing alias, Whyte Fang, back in 2011, with the release of The Version Suicides EP. Since then, Sholler took a ten year break from the project, serving up only a few more singles between 2021 and now. Today, Whyte Fang makes her glorious return with an impressive debut LP, GENESIS.
A captivating intro track begins the album, as Sholler welcomes listeners to the enthralling world of Whyte Fang. Dark, wavering stabs collide with breakbeats and punchy kicks, giving us a taste of what to expect from the rest of the LP. Alexandra leans into a mysterious, bass-forward sound as Whyte Fang, embracing her industrial electronic roots. With that being said, through GENESIS’s darker moments, Sholler also explores a variety of moods and sounds that collectively set Whyte Fang apart from her Alison Wonderland catalog.
Sholler commented on her Whyte Fang project, sharing:
“I have decided to release this music separately to Alison Wonderland because I want these beats to live in their own primal world.”
You can stream GENESIS at the link below, out everywhere via FMU Records. Enjoy!