2013 capped off yet another incredible year for Toronto bass heavyweights Zeds Dead as the infamous duo of DC and Hooks rigorous touring...
Pretty Lights played his annual 2 night Red Rocks concerts this summer, yet this year changed things significantly by...
The second annual Spring Awakening Music Festival is finally about to take over the great city of Chicago. We have...
Since TomorrowLand announced it's expansion to the US with TomorrowWorld and most have you have been focused on that, or...
Miami music week is in full force and our party we teamed up with Pretty Lights Music, Headtron, and Embrace...
The world famous TomorrowLand festival which recently announced it would be expanding globally just announced the official location for it's North American...
The third year for the unique snow based music festival that allows you to hit the slopes in the morning...
There are so many rumors surrounding Daft Punk how are you ever supposed to know what to believe? Well today...
I hope that a fair amount of you remember The Postal Service, the incredible electronic side project duo featuring ...
Mashups and Bootlegs have been abused by countless people discovering how easy it is to put two songs together, the...
After much hype and speculation, and fake images getting passed around, we get the official Phase 1 Lineup for Ultra ...
Songkick just unintentionally announced the long awaited news of Daft Punk playing headlining performances at Coachella 2013. The legendary Daft Punk has...